Rant: You'll never be productive

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I’m sorry to say this, but you’re an idiot if you watch productivity videos. And I don’t mean to be sarcastic or cruel—just blunt.

These videos sell the idea that complexity increases your productivity, but the truth is the opposite.

Simple things boost productivity. For instance, a note increases productivity if you’re smart because if you write down a task and forget, the note will remind you.

True productivity begins with three basic principles:

  1. Write
  2. Save
  3. Read

If you remember to write but read and save before writing, you can be more productive than opening a complex app, writing, and then forgetting.

Selling the Idea of productivity

Many productivity videos bombard viewers with the message that adopting complex tools or methods is the key to unlocking productivity nirvana.

They showcase flashy software, intricate time management techniques, and elaborate productivity hacks as the holy grail of efficiency.

However, this approach is often misleading and can lead individuals down a rabbit hole of inefficiency rather than productivity. A classic example is “life hacks,” small DIYs meant to make things more efficient (or not).

Examples of Complex Methods and Tools

One common example touted in productivity videos is the use of sophisticated task management applications. These apps promise to revolutionize your workflow with a plethora of features, from intricate project organization to detailed progress tracking. But this is often overhyped; these tools may seem appealing on the surface, but they often come with a steep learning curve and require significant time investment to master.

Another example is the endorsement of complex time management methodologies, such as the Pomodoro Technique or the Eisenhower Matriz.

While these frameworks can be useful in certain contexts, their rigid structures may not suit everyone’s working style.

Moreover, adhering to strict time management rules can become counterproductive if they impede spontaneity and creativity.

The Misleading Nature of Complexity

The allure of complexity in productivity is akin to the allure of a magic pill: it promises quick and effortless results.

However, just like miracle cures, the reality often falls short of the hype.

Complex tools and methods may initially seem impressive, but they can quickly become burdensome and overwhelming.

For some, the pursuit of complexity often distracts individuals from focusing on what truly matters: taking action.

Instead of getting bogged down in the minutiae of mastering intricate systems, productivity is best achieved through simplicity and practicality.

In programming, we have a concept: If it’s too complex, we adopt the posture of Divide and Conquer.

Emphasizing Simplicity and Practicality

True productivity lies in simplicity: Instead of chasing after the latest productivity fads, individuals should prioritize simple, actionable steps that align with their goals and values.

This could mean jotting down tasks on a piece of paper, setting aside dedicated time for focused work, or taking regular breaks to recharge.

By embracing simplicity, individuals can eliminate unnecessary complexity from their workflow and streamline their productivity efforts.

Rather than relying on elaborate tools and methods, they can focus on getting things done efficiently and effectively.


Productivity videos that peddle the idea of complexity as the secret to productivity are doing a disservice to their viewers.

Instead of falling for the allure of complexity, individuals should embrace simplicity and practicality in their pursuit of productivity.

By focusing on straightforward, actionable strategies, they can achieve real and sustainable productivity gains.

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